Tata Motors unveiled the Avinya X concept along with the Harrier EV and the Sierra EV at the India Mobility Global Expo 2025. The All-New Avinya X EV SUV comes with a bold coupe-SUV design, sleek “T” logo and futuristic interiors, it promises V2L, V2V, ADAS and 600+ km range.
Tata EV took the wraps off the Avinya X EV SUV Concept at the 2025 Bharat Mobility Global Expo. The Avinya X EV SUV Concept is an all-electric SUV concept that is expected to launch in India by 2026.
The Tata Avinya X EV SUV Concept is based on JLR’s dedicated Electrified Modular Architecture (EMA).
The electric SUV has a coupe-like roofline and a rounded, clean design.
The interior of the Avinya X is very minimalistic with a large touchscreen and a two-spoke steering wheel. It is expected to be offered with features such as a panoramic sunroof and driver-assistance features.
The Avinya X EV SUV Concept is a significant step forward for Tata Motors in the electric vehicle space.
The concept SUV showcases Tata Motors’ design and engineering capabilities for electric vehicles. It is expected to be a strong competitor in the growing electric SUV market.
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