Mahindra & Mahindra launched the all-electric version of its Supro (Mahindra eSupro) cargo and passenger van in 2016. It was India’s first electric closed-body van. It is an electric van with direct drive transmission ideal for e-commerce, courier services, and transportation of high-value goods. It primarily caters to the B2B segment and is available at all dealerships across the country.
Mahindra eSupro is available at a price range of Rs. 8.45 lakh to Rs. 8.75 lakh
Mahindra eSupro is available in 2 variants which is the first of its kind in India. A spacious and secure cargo van and a stylish comfortable 8-seater passenger van.
It has a length of 3798 mm, a width of 1540 mm, and a height of 1922 mm. It has a wheelbase of 1950 mm and a ground clearance of 130 mm.
Range and Performance
Both the eSupro cargo and passenger variants have a range of 112 km on a single charge, which makes it suitable for intra-city transportation. Both have a top speed of 60 km per hour.
The Mahindra eSupro Cargo Van has a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 200 Ah. It has an AC induction motor of 3 ph producing a maximum power of 25 kW and a maximum torque of 90 nm.
Charging the eSupro is as simple as charging a mobile phone. Just plug it into a 15 amp plug point and it can be charged from 0 to 100% in 8 hours 30 minutes.
Mahindra eSupro Cargo Van has a GVW capacity is 1920 kgs and a Kerb Weight of 1320 kgs. Also, it has a payload capacity of 600 kgs and a loading volume of 2330 liters which helps in carrying large quantities.
With low maintenance costs and zero emission advantage, it is quite affordable and eco-friendly. It also has features like regenerative braking and a stylish instrument cluster providing necessary information like Battery percentage, Distance to Empty, Speed, Gear Engaged, Total Running Efficiency, etc. Conclusion The launch of the eSupro ushered in a whole new concept of zero-emission cargo transportation in India and helped companies in the B2B and e-commerce segments.
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