Electric vehicles have become the need of the hour due to the increasing pollution levels and the depletion of fossil fuels. However, the success of EVs depends on the availability of efficient charging infrastructure.

Ola Electric is building this network across more than 400 cities and 2000+ Hyper Charging points by the end of 2023. Retail centers, IT parks, business complexes, and other high-traffic places.

To use Ola Electric Hypercharging Network, install the Ola Electric app, find nearby charging points on the map, and select the most convenient one.

What is Ola Electric Hypercharging Network?

Ola Electric is building this network across more than 400 cities and 2000+ Hyper Charging points by the end of 2023. Retail centers, IT parks, business complexes, and other high-traffic places will all have charging stations.

According to the company’s official website, the Ola Hyper Charger is free for all users in India but for a limited period of time.

How much Money Need to pay for Hypercharger?

You may be able to find your nearest OLA Hypercharger via the scooter dashboard or Ola Electric App. You can use the navigation provided in the scooter to reach the location.

Where to find OLA Hypercharge 

Ola Hypercharger is enabled only for Ola scooters with MoveOS 3 update. If your electric scooter has MoveOS2 then first you have to update it to MoveOS3.

Is Ola Hypercharger enabled for both MoveOS 2 and MoveOS 3?