Electric Bus  vs  Hydrogen Bus

The limited petroleum fuel availability and increasing global harmful gas emissions have forced us to look for alternative ways of fuels for vehicles.

In 2023, more than 14 million electric vehicles are expected to be sold out while the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market is expected to reach US$ 12,324.9 million by 2028.

What is Battery Electric Bus and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus?

Battery Electric Bus

Battery Electric Bus is powered by batteries (Li-ion batteries most commonly). The battery installed on the bus is used to propel the motor to drive the wheels.

Electric Bus Advantages

1. Low operating cost 2. Zero tailpipe emissions 3. Quiet Operation

Electric Bus Disadvantages

1. Long Charging time 2. High Initial cost 3. Limited Range

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Bus

It is powered by electricity generated from the Fuel Cell to drive the motor installed on buses like battery electric buses. In a fuel cell, hydrogen from a pressurized tank is released in the presence of oxygen to generate electricity.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Advantages

1. Long Range 2. Fast Refueling 3. Zero tailpipe emissions

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Disadvantages

1. Higher Operating Cost 2. Lack of Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure 3. Maintenance Challenges