BMW's new unveiling of an electric car called I vision “DEE” at the CES 2023 in Las Vegas. Oliver Zipse said “Dee is a promise, commitment and Dee stands for Digital Emotional Experience.

The BMW “Dee” can Talk. Now no more blabbering alone in the car you get a real companion in the new Dee. This is the perfect blend of Technology with emotions.

You get all the latest updates from your mobile phone on the dashboard display of Dee.

With mixed reality slider levels ranging from 1-4, Dee can tell us about the outside environment and communicate whenever a message or call pops up.

Dee can also change the color like the previous vehicle launched by BMW at CES 2022. But more from black and white. Like Zipse said, “The car understands you.” So the car will change its color according to your emotions, moods, and whatnot.

BMW’s “DEE” is the future of technology and it has the potential to change the world instead of fighting technology.